Wednesday, August 22, 2007

punchbuggy - no punch backs

My girlies (aged 8, 6, and 4) are crazy. I guess they're just like I was, with my sisters, when I was a kid. It's what makes me love them so much. We play a game whenever we're driving. Punchbuggies. You know, the usual drill - whenever you see a VW Beetle the first person to say "punchbuggy, no punch backs" gets it. Of course, we've made the rule that there is no actual punching - that got ugly. And we play on teams. All the girls and me against Papa - He's too quick to have anyone on his team. He is very competitive; as is Ashlin. Sometimes she tries to change the rules if she's not winning. But the funniest (and most annoying) part is that the girls have taken it to a whole new extreme. They have little sayings for many, many vehicles. Punchbuggies are the only ones we actually keep track of, but driving with them is filled with shouts, especially from Laurie, the youngest. Here's a list of all the little sayings (that I can remember) that they have made up.
Smart Car - no tickle backs
Van's twin - we win (this is for any silver van, like ours)
Motorcycle - you're a psycho
PT Cruiser - you're a bruiser
Bus - gus
Convertible - you're invisible
Luigi - this is for any really small cars like "Luigi" off of the movie "Cars"

Yes, on days like these Colin looks at me and says "Those are definately your kids." And he's right. We were nutty just like that. We loved to repeat "Mic Mac Rotary" in a sing-songy voice all the way to Halifax until we drove my dad nuts. It can be really, really annoying, but when they're not with me, I actually miss it. I love how they play together. I love when they make things up. They are truly my greatest blessing!


jennypo said...

How much I miss those kooks! Do they still listen to Indian music in the car?

joeyanne said...

We actually brought that cd in the house because we listened to it sooo much a lot of the songs kept skipping. Now, they listen to it while they're going to sleep (imagine. all that fast, up-beat music). They also like Southern Gospel and some 80's music.

Anonymous said...

i love those little crazies! can't wait to see 'em!