Monday, November 16, 2009

conversation with laurie and eva

Laurie and Eva are sitting at the table, playing play-doh, and discussing computer games and websites.
Laurie - "Eva, have you ever been on Starfall?"
Eva - "What IS Starfall?"
Laurie - "I guess that's a no."

I think Laurie's been spending too much time with Ashlin.


Eva, after spotting my cool salt&pepper shakers on the back of my stove - "Hey, my mom has the same salt&peppers."
Me - "Yeah, Aunt Janelley brought them to us when she came back from Zambia."
Eva - "Zambia!? Where's Zambia?"
Laurie, incredulous - "You don't know??! It's in India!"
Me - "Africa."
Laurie - "Oh, yeah. Africa, Africa."
Eva - "Why does Aunt Janelley always go to Africa?"


janelle said...

bahaha, i wish i always went to africa. even india would be pretty great!
thanks for sharing your supercute stories!

Anonymous said...

hilarious :)

janelle said...

speaking of starfall, did you see the story of the no-tail cat in the fiction section? mwaha, i love it. mostly because of poor old No-Tail.