Thursday, March 22, 2007

what i learned from my Dad

Lately I've been noticing just how like my father I have become. Mostly this is a good thing. I can't think of anyone in this world that I respect more. Which leads me to a new lesson. One of the biggest things my Dad taught me (not necessarily on purpose) was to have very high expectations of myself (and others, because it flows out). This was a good lesson because I learned to hold myself accountable to myself - I don't always need someone to keep me doing my best. Also, I didn't settle when it came to dating or friends.
At work, only the very best job is good enough for me, even if my boss is nowhere to be seen. These are all the ways this lesson has been a benefit to me. But, I think, somewhere along the way, I allowed it to cause me to be somewhat harsh and unsympathetic. Rules are meant to be followed, so if someone does otherwise, I find myself becoming judgemental and callous. Also, I am not perfect, so there is a lot of self-loathing when I don't do what I know is the best job. This is especially difficult as a mother. I am FAR from a perfect mother, but I have high ideals about what she is/ how she acts. This leads to my latest lesson, still taught, unconsciously, by my Dad. When I think about my Dad, I feel so much love and respect. He is so real and strong and kind. But I know him well enough to see his imperfections and failures. And yet, I respect and love him. Maybe I am worth loving without being perfect, too. That is good. Better yet, maybe others are worth loving when they are not perfect. This is a good lesson for me. I am a lot like my Dad, and I couldn't be happier!

1 comment:

jennypo said...

How much I respect Dad, and how much I respect you! You have taught me so much. You step outside your personality and your comfort zone to deal with difficult things. You practice what you preach. I remember when you were young you just couldn't talk about anything negative-you could only respond to negativity with anger, never with reason. Now look at you! I know it hasn't been easy, but just like Dad, you never gave up. Your ability to talk about things has set me free in a million ways. I appreciate you so much. I can't imagine my life without you in it. You give me strength and peace.
I love you.