Monday, September 5, 2011

open hands

Ok, I am sooooo being tested on my last post. Today was painful, and I really struggled to accept it as a gift. I know there is a way to hold my hands open to receive His gifts, to accept and not fight the difficulty. Tonight I read to Marcella and Laurie from a Bible story book we've been reading for a while. Tonight's story was Daniel and the Lion's Den. In the story, Daniel walked confidently to the lion's den - not because he knew he wouldn't be consumed by the lions, but because he trusted in God and he accepted this circumstance as from God. I would like to be like Daniel. Can I trust Him in every difficulty? The proof is in the gift of His Son. How would He give such a gift and not care for me in other matters? Jesus is the ultimate proof of God's love for me.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

my life: one giant reno

My sweet sister told me I should be blogging a bit about this "building a restaurant" experience...."not that you have anything else to do," she laughed. I said she and Jen and Colin and Dad are doing all the hard stuff. I'm just going around in a fog most of the time. It is seriously one of the biggest rollercoaster rides I've ever been on. One day everything goes wrong: the oven, already in place, is the wrong oven for our amperage; the new fridge doesn't work; our debit machine isn't connecting to the router; delays, delays, delays. How will we get the front of the building painted? can we even get scaffolding that will work there? when will we ever get our logo back from the designer? can we build a shelf to fit in that tiny spot where we need to put the coffee maker? the building owner still hasn't gotten his stuff out of the basement. AAAArrrrgggh! But then, the next day everything's coming up roses: The new oven will be here next week; the plumber can come on Tuesday; the Coast calls wanting to set up an interview, yay, free press! My biggest challenge is to trust God on both types of days. He is a Good God, and only gives Good Gifts - no matter what I think of them. So I try to thank Him on the difficult days, and not just thank Him for the things He will do, but for the difficulties. It is proof that I trust Him and that I believe He is good. It's actually a bit freeing: I don't need to decide what is good and what is bad; what to accept and what to reject. All gifts from my Father are good. I need not shield my potential for joy from the winds of difficulty. God can take care of these things for me.
I'll try to post a few pictures of our work-in-progress, but no promises. (I'm too busy painting) And school starts on Tuesday. I still need to go school supply shopping. Eeeeeek!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

and all is right that seems most wrong if it be His sweet will

Be gracious to me, O Lord, for I am languishing; heal me, O Lord, for my bones are troubled, My soul also is greatly troubled. But you, O Lord - how long?

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

pop culture and God

I was listening to CBC radio this afternoon (I really enjoy CBC, sometimes). Anyway, the show was about making mistakes. People had called or written in about mistakes they had made. One guy was telling about his "favourite" mistake, and the announcer asked him, "So, what did you learn from this mistake." The guy's remark gives a lot of insight into what many people, today, believe about God and religion and sin. He said, basically, "I don't believe in learning from mistakes. We're all taught that we're sinners from birth, and we have to be taught - to learn from the priest or whoever how to live properly. And I don't buy into all that stuff." I'm always interested to hear what people think about God, or even about Christianity. What do people today believe about God? What kind of God do they think He is? What kinds of messages about Him are finding their way into the hearts of His creation? I welcome any stories you may have about what people believe about God.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

before my cross

thought I was ready
taking up that cross
following, following
I will stay close
(bring it on?)

I must go back
- missed something
I enter the stillness of the garden
in the time before the morning
someone is crying

my cross is too heavy
the garden is the only way
"not my will" can bear this crushing cross
the Father has drawn me
so I can come to the One
the One who bears His own cross

having surrendered to the One
who made the stars and the sky
I can take up my cross
and follow

with fear I follow
for I know I must come to the place
that still echoes, resounds with
"Father, forgive them!"

Sunday, March 13, 2011

woman at the well

We're reading through Genesis at the Senior's Bible Study I go to on Thursdays. And Pat, one of the lovely ladies who comes, always has the coolest insights. Last week we read the story of Abraham sending Eliezer to find a bride for Isaac. When we finished reading, Pat says, "This story reminds me of the one in the New Testament, where Jesus meets the woman at the well." Such a simple observation, but I hadn't put those 2 stories together before. I'm really enjoying thinking on the comparisons. I mean Eliezer is a picture of the Holy Spirit - sent to find a bride. And the test he uses to find her is one of humility and willingness - the girl not only would give him water, but would offer to draw water for all his camels too. Then she was given a choice: "Will you go?" The woman at the well was also asked for water and then Jesus' questions required honesty and humility. But most importantly, Jesus also gave her a choice: "If you had asked, He would have given you living water." The woman made a good choice and asked for the Living Water. Rebekah, likewise, chose to go with the servant. I am thankful for the Servant who is bearing me to my Isaac. The journey is long and sometimes difficult, but God's Servant protects and sustains me. The day will soon be here when I will "light off my camel" and prepare to meet my Isaac!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

for you, Janelle

Just a few random photos for Aunt Janelley, who misses her crazy nieces so much! xoxo

Saturday, January 29, 2011

life is beautiful

I've totally been counting my blessings lately - a good exercise - and I have waaay too many. If another complaint escapes my lips, you have permission to give me a stern talking to.
For the month of January, I've been working a few more dayshifts than usual because Carolyn, our adorable Filipino daytimer, has been studying to take her Canadian dental exam. So Colin and I have been getting a bit of quality time together at work. And we really enjoy working together. Aside from a few winks from behind the dough rack, it's mostly because we just get to chat about daily issues as we work, or come up with funny but potentially effective Gospel messages. I know most wives don't get to share that part of their husband's day, so I really count that as a blessing.
The other day Laurie was "hobbling" around with an empty wrapping paper roll, using it as a cane. She says, "I don't know how old people WALK with these things!"
There's a young guy we were working with in December whose wife is expecting their first baby in March. His priorities (from his lips) are, in this order: kid, car, wife. It made me doubly thankful for my cute, little blue Kia. - it's zippy, but couldn't possibly be considered ahead of me in a priority list :)
Last night, I gave the girls an evening nap (although Laurie's the only one who slept) so we could all go to the airport to meet Nana and Neechie. We are so excited to have Nana a part of our daily lives! I can't wait to hear all her Irish childhood stories. Anyway, her flight was a bit delayed, so while we waited we had a bit of an airport party with the rest of the family. There's just something about a midnight party that is extremely exciting when you're a kid (or a kid at heart). I love the little things that are really big things!
The girls and I headed out for a little fresh air this afternoon before I grab a quick nap (before going to work). We walked down to the duck pond and found it was frozen and people were skating on it. We took a few slides on our boots before turning for home and we plan to take the skates there tomorrow afternoon.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

my Life Hero

Ever watch a movie or read a book where the hero is just so amazing that no matter how bad the circumstances, you know he will save the day? In fact, the more terrible and impossible the circumstances, the more excited you are to see what he will do to make everything right again? I actually love those stories. And aren't we in one? I mean God is the Ultimate Hero, and He already Saved the Ultimate Day, but in my life story, He is also the hero, saving the day again and again. And that's really what I signed up for when I believed Him. I said, "Here's my lifestory - take it and make it really exciting, so that those who 'read' it will see living proof that You can and will be everything You've said You are!"
As long as I can remember, I've believed that God is Enough..... that, no matter how boring, deprived, or pathetic my circumstances, He is ALL I need. I've always believed this, but proving it is another story :) And I feel like maybe this is the aspect of Him that He's asking me to show with my life. And so, when I am completely overwhelmed with the lack of amazing, exciting, and fabulous things in my life, I can be sure that this grey backdrop is sure to show-up the brilliant rainbow of God's Love. (*disclaimer: although my job, house, lifestyle, clothes, etc may all lack "status" or other things considered desirable here in North America, you can be sure I am more than aware of the incredible blessings that have been poured over me in PEOPLE! I've always said that God has given me all my blessings in people and I wouldn't trade even one of the amazing people in my life for all of the material blessings in the world!)
So, stay tuned to the exciting story of my life to see my Hero save the day - every day! And remember: just when things feel and look their darkest and most impossible, that's when our Life Hero will do the impossible and bring good out of the most regrettable circumstances!