Thursday, May 1, 2008


Outside they are putting new siding on my house. It is very distracting to have people running past the windows and loud banging starting and stopping - mostly stopping: they are very slow! I just want them to be finished so I can clean up the mess and set up my backyard. I want to feel more separated from the world - safe inside my house. Right now it feels like a very thin wall between me and the windy, noisy, messy world. It is kind of the same feeling as when you are wearing an outfit that just isn't comfortable. Like a top that won't stay where it is supposed to, and you are constantly feeling exposed. I try to pretend they're not there, but my curtains aren't opaque, and the noise, the noise just comes in anyway. I am in limbo; just waiting until they are finished to tidy my world and put order back into my day.

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