Tuesday, March 29, 2011

pop culture and God

I was listening to CBC radio this afternoon (I really enjoy CBC, sometimes). Anyway, the show was about making mistakes. People had called or written in about mistakes they had made. One guy was telling about his "favourite" mistake, and the announcer asked him, "So, what did you learn from this mistake." The guy's remark gives a lot of insight into what many people, today, believe about God and religion and sin. He said, basically, "I don't believe in learning from mistakes. We're all taught that we're sinners from birth, and we have to be taught - to learn from the priest or whoever how to live properly. And I don't buy into all that stuff." I'm always interested to hear what people think about God, or even about Christianity. What do people today believe about God? What kind of God do they think He is? What kinds of messages about Him are finding their way into the hearts of His creation? I welcome any stories you may have about what people believe about God.

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